Asbestos causes many diseases when we swallow and feed fiber. These diseases include lung cancer, mesothelioma (a rare cancer of the lining of the body cavity), and cancers of the stomach and colon. People who swallow asbestos fibers may also develop digestive system disorders,. Including gastrointestinal ulcerations and perforation, with swelling up to fistulas. Asbestos exposure may also lead to increased risk of heart disease, chronic bronchitis, impaired pulmonary function, and decreased lifespan.
Breathing in Asbestos
When we inhale asbestos fibre, the body’s natural response is to lay down scar tissue around the fibers in an attempt to stop them from causing damage. However, this scarring can cause serious respiratory illnesses years after exposure occurs. One of the clients for Mold Remediation Middlesex County Nj was suffering from such problems so we helped them. People who swallow asbestos fibers may also develop digestive system disorders, including gastrointestinal ulcerations and perforation, with inflammation up to fistulas. Examples of these diseases include:
Asbestosis :
Scarring of lung tissue. People with asbestosis suffer shortness of breath, cough, chest pain while breathing, fatigue, and weight loss. The condition may cause some people to lose their ability to work.
Lung Cancer :
Asbestos exposure is thought to be responsible for more than half the cases of lung cancer in men and an unknown percentage in women. Symptoms include a long-term non-productive cough, weight loss, low blood hemoglobin levels (anemia), fever, night sweats, chills, and chest pain. There are two main types of lung cancer — small cell lung cancers and non-small cell lung cancers. SCLCs are generally associated with smoking, but it has been suggested that asbestos exposure may account for about 30% of all SCLCs. There are three main types of NSCLC, which are usually diagnosed based on their symptoms — adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and large cell carcinoma.
Mesothelioma :
Exposure to asbestos fibers causes incurable cancer. Symptoms include shortness of breath or pain in the chest or abdomen. Mesotheliomas often grow between the lung lining (pleura) or the thin membrane surrounding the lungs (peritoneum), leading to symptoms such as pleural effusion, shoulder pain, fever, weight loss, enlarged lymph nodes under the armpit, and enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.
Colon Cancer :
We suggest that asbestos exposure may account for about 4% of all colon cancers. Symptoms include blood in the stool, cramps or diarrhea, constipation, fever, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, and appetite loss. There are usually no signs or symptoms of this cancer at first.
Gastrointestinal Disorders :
These often occur after swallowing asbestos fibers. Symptoms include persistent abdominal pain with nausea and vomiting, bloody stools or diarrhea, blocked intestines (fecal impaction), stomach ulcers/sores (especially if the esophagus is involved), inflammation (gastritis) of the stomach lining, bleeding from the stomach.
How To Stop It:
You need to remove asbestos in your home if you have a water supply to it. If not, residents in the home should leave until the asbestos can be removed and a negative pressure created in the house so that fibers do not escape into the air. Depending on how much is in an area, removal may involve just one room or disconnecting all of the utilities from entire sections of a building. In some cases, due to health concerns or for other reasons.
Asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are commonly found throughout buildings constructed before 1980. This includes homes, schools, offices, public buildings, industrial facilities, and commercial properties. ACMs often are found in wallboard, roofing materials, insulation, ductwork, boiler, and pipe wrapping. Such as disposable paper or surgical masks, gloves, protective clothing (long-sleeve shirts and long pants), eye protection (goggles or glasses), and NIOSH-approved respirators.
Agencies Working On It:
Federal law requires school districts to provide asbestos training for employees who work in facilities that contain ACMs. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, only certified professionals should remove ACMs. To find out if your home contains asbestos, you can hire a private Mold Contractor Monmouth County to collect samples for testing. The Department of Housing and Urban Development provides free guidance for how homeowners can prepare their homes for asbestos abatement.