Does Infected Hangnail Go Away?
Hangnails are very common on people who spend a lot of time on the beach or in the sun. This is because the rays of the sun dry out the nail and make it susceptible to infections.
There are many different types of bacteria that can grow in your skin and cause an infection. If you have a cut or a scrape on your skin and you don’t treat it properly then it can become infected. This is why it is important to clean your skin regularly and to take good care of it.
What Exactly Is An Infected Hangnail?
An infected hangnail is when a small area on your finger or toe becomes red, swollen and tender. It looks like a hangnail but it is not one. A real hangnail looks like a tiny white dot on the nail and it will not be painful. But this “infected hangnail” is very different and it is much more painful. This type of infection is caused by bacteria and it will usually go away in a few days if you let it. However, there are some cases where the infection can become very serious and you may need a doctor to treat it.
4 Most Common Causes Of Nails Fading Fast
Hang nails can be caused by many factors such as poor hygiene, weak nail bed, improper cuticle care and others. It is better to check the hang nails causes and fix them before they get worse.
Here are the most common causes of hanging nails:
Improper Cuticle Care
Most of the people are not aware of the fact that cuticle is the part that covers your finger nail. If it is not properly taken care of then it may cause a lot of problems. You should clean your nails regularly and use the right cuticle oil or cream to keep the nail healthy.
Weak Nail Bed
If the nail bed is weak then it will make the nail to hang easily. The weak nail bed will make the nail to be brittle and also it will make the nail to fall off easily. So, if you want to keep your nail healthy and strong then you must strengthen the nail bed.
Poor Hygiene
If you don’t take proper care of your hands then you might get nail fungus. It is caused due to the presence of bacteria on your hands and nails. You must wash your hands regularly and clean them thoroughly after going to the toilet.
Excessively Worn Nails
Sometimes you may apply nail polish on your nails and also you may wear nail rings. Both these things are harmful for your nails as they may cause a lot of damage to your nail. You must try to remove nail polish or nail rings once in a while.
How To Treat An Infected Hangnail At home?
There are many home remedies for treating an infected hangnail and they work in different ways. Some of them will kill the bacteria and prevent it from causing any further damage. But, there are a few that will just make the nail fall off. So, which one should you use? That is a decision only you can make. But, if you do decide to use one of these home remedies then you need to do it within three days because if you wait longer then the chances are very high that your nail will fall off and you will have an ugly scar left behind.
So, what are the home remedies for treating an infected hangnail? There are several but, here are the most common ones:
Apple Cider Vinegar
This is the cheapest and one of the best remedies for treating an infected hangnail. All you have to do is mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with a cup of water and then apply it on the infected area of your body 3 times per day. This remedy should be continued for a week and you should check it every day. If the infection is gone then you do not need to continue this remedy. However, if the infection is still there after a week then you should go to the doctor.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is another cheap and easy remedy for treating an infected hangnail. To use this remedy you will need to mix a teaspoon of baking soda with a cup of water and then apply it on the infected area of your body 3 times per day. Check it daily and if the infection is gone then you do not need to continue this remedy. But, if the infection is still there after a week then you should go to the doctor.
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera is one of the best home remedies for treating an infected hangnail. All you have to do is cut off the leaf of an aloe vera plant and apply it on the infected area of your body 3 times per day. Continue this remedy for a week and then check it every day. If the infection is gone then you do not need to continue this remedy. But, if the infection is still there after a week then you should go to the doctor.
Does Infected Hangnail Go Away?
Yes, it does. All of these home remedies for treating an infected hangnail will work but they are not as effective as going to the doctor. If you use any of these home remedies for more than three days then you should definitely see the doctor because you may need an antibiotic ointment to treat the infection. And, if you wait too long then the infection can become very serious and you may need a tetanus shot and a course of oral antibiotics.
So, the bottom line is that if you have an infected hangnail then you should try one of these home remedies but only for a week. After that, you should go to the
if you want to keep your nails healthy and strong then you need to take care of them and prevent them from getting infected. The best way to do this is by keeping them short and trimming them often. You should also avoid using nail polish on your natural nails and instead you should use a base coat. This will protect your nails from the elements and it will also help in preventing infections.