
What should I look for in a cloud-hosted PBX solution?

When purchasing a business hosted PBX system, what should your cloud-hosted PBX service provider offer? Your company’s needs determine the solution. When selecting a free virtual PBX solution, you as a business owner must consider various factors.

Some evaluate options such as ease of use, implementation cost, monthly spend, system scalability, and support services provided via knowledge-based articles or live technical help, to mention a few.

Whatever option you choose, the bottom line is that it must suit your business requirements at a cost accessible to your company. However, before adopting the free PBX solution to your individual needs, you must look for essential characteristics in a cloud-hosted PBX system.

Connectivity with Other Enterprise Systems

Smaller businesses choose the best free VoIP PBX solution to costly on-premise hardware and SIP installations.

Larger organizations choose premise-based hardware installations with SIP deployment because they provide more system administration and control. They offer them the option of when to undertake software and hardware upgrades, when and which hardware or software integration packages to implement, and so on.

Free virtual PBX systems feature better integration options with various enterprise products such as Skype for Business and Microsoft Teams, among others. As a result, make certain that whatever solution you apply is compatible with the digital tools you are utilizing.

Most importantly, your solution must be able to support SIP (Session Initiation Protocol), the current standard for VoIP. This ensures that you are not restricted to a single provider or service.

Support for Mobile Devices & Quality Options

Quality is critical for every company’s success. Most employees nowadays use a variety of gadgets as part of their “work toolbox” daily at the workplace, including cellphones, tablets, and laptop computers.

The old business paradigm of working from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in an office is becoming obsolete. More and more companies adopt mobility-based work methodologies like workers ‘on the road,’ working from home, on client sites, or desk sharing.

Mobility-based alternatives such as find me, follow me, remote login, and portal access are increasingly a business requirement and necessity rather than a business wish.

These employees demand mobility solutions and features like presence information, complex call routing rules, remote login, and so on. They must be able to make and receive business calls on any device in their ‘work toolbox,’ whether it is their own (BYOD) or a company-issued device. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) is a rapidly expanding trend in the workplace. As a result, your free online PBX system must support mobile hardware.

Configuration Dashboards Made Simple

One of the most major challenges of operating classic PBX hardware is that it typically necessitates specialized knowledge and training. Making any changes can take a long time, and the organization’s expertise and limited individuals know how to make the changes.

Free virtual PBX Solutions have come far from their analog/digital forefathers. However, this does not imply that all cloud Hosted PBX Solutions are simple to use, set up, and maintain.

You must look for a free online PBX system with an easy-to-use interface that is intuitive and interactive.

One of the most significant advantages of VoIP is the freedom it provides to enterprises. It enables you to log in and make adjustments on the fly.

Cloud Hosted VoIP services typically include web-based dashboards (GUI interfaces) to make creating, updating, adding, and removing configurations easier. Your Cloud Hosted PBX Solution allows for such adaptability, giving you easy access to make such modifications.


Traditional PBX is geared to react swiftly to changes. Businesses typically outgrow their PBX gear after a few years, forcing them to upgrade. Call center solutions India far more adaptable and scalable, with new feature sets being added as technology advances.


Seek out a cloud-hosted PBX solution that employs the SIP protocol. They can not only meet your company’s current needs but they can also be scaled to suit future development. In most circumstances, increasing capabilities necessitates connecting more SIP devices to the network.

Looking for a dependable VoIP service provider? Sign up with Aavaz FreePBX for all your telephony needs!

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